Kinteract News

Tailoring your curriculum to your school and pupils

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Tailoring your curriculum to your school and pupils

Whatever country you are in, whichever school type/key stage/year group you work in, and whatever subject you specialise in, you will always be reviewing curriculum across your school. Whether it involves changes from on high - new governments love to introduce new curricula, don't they?! - or whether you need flexibility to meet the needs of your current cohort, your curriculum is a vital lynch pin as part of your teaching and learning journey. Even if you don't look at the overall curriculum very often, you may constantly make tweaks to how you teach a lesson or particular strand of your subject(s). This may involve tweaks to accommodate needs of your pupils, or may simply be to create something cross-curricular to incorporate a celebration or event happening at the same time which you need to cram into an already overloaded timetable.

Unfortunately, most assessment packages don't allow you to make changes as frequently and fluidly as you might like. If you have some off-the-shelf curricula already in your assessment system - Kinteract or any other - you may get to certain objectives and realise they don't quite match your current needs. You might teach students with Special Educational Needs and want to tailor each curriculum to them personally, adding in the type of objectives most national curricula do not allow for - such as toilet training or eye contact. So what happens is you create another system of sorts to use to keep track. You might be sticking post-it notes everywhere, or scribbling in the margins of books. You may be printing copious "Next Steps" pages out for pupils and adding them to folders/the wall/books as required. You may be creating evidence to send to a subject leader to prove your also incorporated recycling/personal well being/finances/world book day/charity fundraising into your maths/literacy/history lesson. So how does this all manifest? How do we bring it all together to stop having all these different paper trails?

Here at Kinteract HQ, we know the life of a teacher is not a fixed diary. Your curriculum is a living, breathing thing and not just a tick list to be completed and added to a pile of paper. So our platform is totally curriculum agnostic. It is also age and stage agnostic. It does not mind at all if your Year 3 child is working at Year 1 level due to multiple needs - you know what that child needs and we trust you with that!

Yes, you can add in curricula you use. You can add multiple. We have loads already built in and you can add more. We also don't tie you to a tick-box style layout. Our social media feed-style learning portfolio allows you the flexibility to add assessment and observations whenever it suits you - as frequently or infrequently as makes sense to you. No more tying every teacher to the same workload - if some want to add photos of paper notes that is fine! Easily tag in objectives - adding in as many to one document or post as you wish. If you like to add regular informal assessments go for it! Or if you just want to add big termly ones that's OK too. What you teach does not equal everything you need to track and evidence. We know that. Make Kinteract work for you. We designed it that way.

Add Next Steps or Assignments so that your students can add their work in from home, and get parents logging in and getting involved too. They all become part of the curriculum patchwork.

And crucially - keep evolving your curriculum as you go using our simple hash-tagging system. All too often systems tie you to going into each subject separately. But here at Kinteract we know you might have just taught an awesome science lesson which ticked off a fair few maths and literacy targets too, AND you talked about recycling and well-being. So add your own custom hashtags and cover all of that in one observation or assessment post.

Later on your can filter by any of the hashtags in exactly the same way - whether they came from your curriculum (cleverly prompted by our AI which suggests the relevant tags as you type so you don't need to go hunting for them), or whether you created them yourself for a specific project or year group. Whenever you need to find them again you can filter in all sorts of ways - whether that is for the purpose of feeding into planning, or to provide evidence for school leaders or inspectors, or simply to share to a great display in school showcasing your amazing work.