
A better start for every child

“Simply, children value a society where all can succeed”
The Big Ask (2021), UK Children’s Commissioner

When teachers know their children better, they can teach them more effectively. Kinteract collects key data and fully engages parents as a natural part of the learning process, allowing teachers to know their children better and accelerate their development.

"Kinteract is a way of tracking children’s learning in a way that fits around them. Kinteract is child-led and provides a window into children's interests and developmental needs.

By recording special learning moments using Kinteract, we are able to understand more about the student, plan for next steps in a personalised way, share learning amongst the team of educators and involve families in their child's learning journey. Alongside the observation feed, the assessment function ensures we are able to keep a detailed record of where a child is at developmentally, at any given moment in time."

Emma Pickering

Early Years Leader, British International School of Budapest

Key Benefits

Streamline Assessments

Streamline assessment by collecting data quickly and easily as a natural part of the learning process.

Automated reporting

By entering data only once at the point of learning and with automated reports, pressure points in the academic year are eliminated.

Teachers free to teach

Kinteract’s efficient workflow increases learning time and frees up teachers to work with their children and have more fun.

Smart recommendations

Better data and smart recommendations support teachers to plan for personalised learning for every child.

Parent Engagement

Engage parents authentically in their child’s learning.

Smooth transition to school

Build evidence-backed, personalised portfolios of achievement to support transition to school.

Holistic achievement and development

Track holistic progress and achievements. Wherever learning happens, the evidence is added to the child’s portfolio.

Support EAL learners and families

Our multilingual platform provides EAL support for families and children.

Better data for leaders

Customisable data dashboards and analytics support leaders’ informed decision-making.

Focused professional development

Link professional learning with student needs. Kinteract can be used to deliver professional development and build teacher and leader portfolios of achievement.

Personalised support for SEN learners

Supports SEN students and their families through personalised curriculum pathways, tracking and recommendations. Provides evidence and clear data to secure, build and deliver EHCPs.

Better learning

Better student progress and outcomes in all areas of the curriculum and beyond.

Ready to start your journey?
Speak to our team today.