Kinteract News

Teachers can now sign up to Kinteract directly! Here’s why you should:

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Teachers can now sign up to Kinteract directly! Here’s why you should:

Kinteract aids evidence of learning, ensures curriculum coverage, saves you tons of assessment time, keeps all stakeholders engaged and delivers simultaneous live lessons. And now, you can get all of these features on your own terms.

Sounds good? Not sure? Read on, and we’ll convince you with our six top reasons for teachers to take advantage of Kinteract’s direct sign-up system:

1 - It takes seconds

We know how important teachers’ time is. So, we’ve taken care to make our sign-up process as fast as possible. 

You can have a Kinteract account up and running within 2 minutes. It could not be simpler and easier to get started. 

2 - Make yourself at home

Once you are in, it’s not just an empty shell. You will find an intuitive feed and sample posts to show you how things work. Our walkthrough and helpful videos guide you every step of the way.  And (although we are pretty sure you won’t need it!) our live chat is always there to answer any queries.

3 - Kinteract automates your common workflows

Modern teachers are struggling under a huge admin burden. One of the things we’re most proud of is how our platform shoulders that burden.

By automating and scheduling workflows, Kinteract can free up massive amounts of teacher time. You can plan and schedule lessons and activities way in advance - and it could not be easier to do so. You can also integrate your favourite resources and content, with our AI guiding you along the way.

4 - Kinteract makes it easy to evidence learning

No more scrabbling for old projects and assignments - with Kinteract, you can create reports and evidence learning with a single click.

Kinteract’s innovative software tracks student progress holistically. What’s more, it doesn’t just track academic achievements. You can also track things like skills, competencies and more. 

Our personalised student portfolios demonstrate pupil proficiency. They are perfect for evidencing progression in the absence of exams and standardised testing. 

At the click of a button you can generate sophisticated analysis of any student’s progress. This makes it easy to identify budding passions and step in to help where extra support is needed. This means we don’t just remediate learning, but accelerate it, too.

What’s more, these reports are easily shareable. You’ll never have to struggle for evidence of learning again - Kinteract does it all for you.

5- Kinteract makes it easy to share and communicate

Signing up to Kinteract directly doesn’t mean isolating yourself. As teachers ourselves, we at Kinteract know how important the wider teaching community is.

Kinteract is designed to facilitate sharing and communicating. Our software integrates seamlessly with all your favourite platforms and resources, like Zoom, MS Teams. Gsuite, iSAMS, Progresso, and more. 

You can use Kinteract to talk with teachers, parents, learners about student progress, to share reports and resources, and to build an engaged and supportive learning community.

6 - We’ll give you four months on us before you commit

Kinteract gives you plenty of time to get familiar with the platform. You can find your way around and see the value it offers for four months before you have to commit.

Click here to sign up.

Not convinced? Book a demo with our friendly team, and let us take you through what the platform can do for you.