Secondary Schools

Preparing every learner for a life of success

“Simply, children value a society where all can succeed”
The Big Ask (2021), UK Children’s Commissioner

Human talent is wonderfully diverse and one size does not fit all. Kinteract’s smart platform empowers teachers to support every learner’s unique journey as they discover their passions and realise their dreams. It’s time for everyone to succeed. It’s time for change.

Key Benefits

Supports any curriculum

One platform to deliver and track achievements, whether academic, vocational or extra-curricular. All learning matters.  

Personalized achievement portfolio

Real time, evidence-backed portfolio of holistic achievement provides students with all the evidence needed to secure their next steps beyond school, e.g. university and college admissions, internships, apprenticeships.

Student agency and engagement

Increase learner agency, motivation and engagement – students can add their own holistic achievements and play an authentic role in creating their own learning journey.

Streamline Assessments

Streamline assessment by collecting data quickly and easily as a natural part of the learning process.

Automated reports

By entering data only once at the point of learning and with automated reports, pressure points in the academic year are eliminated.

Teachers free to teach

Kinteract’s efficient workflow increases learning time and frees up teachers to work with their students.

Better learning

Better data and smart recommendations support teachers to plan for personalised learning for every student, leading to improved student progress and outcomes in all areas of the curriculum and beyond.

Parent engagement

Engage parents authentically in their children’s learning.

Holistic learning

Track holistic progress and achievements, including all extra-curricular activity.

Supports EAL learners and families

Our multilingual platform provides EAL support for families and children.

Personalised support for SEN learners

Supports SEN students and their families through personalised curriculum pathways, tracking and recommendations. Provides evidence and clear data to secure, build and deliver EHCPs. 

Focused professional learning

Link professional learning with student needs. Kinteract can be used to deliver professional development and build teacher and leader portfolios of achievement.

Better data for leaders

Customisable data dashboards support leaders’ informed decision-making. Provides focused data for governors and inspectors and to inform the self-evaluation process, professional development priorities and school improvement plans. 

Improve wellbeing

By personalising the learning experience for every student, supporting parents and teachers and tracking specific indicators, Kinteract raises wellbeing across the whole community.  

Recover learning loss

Recover learning loss through delivery of a personalised program.

Ready to start your journey?
Speak to our team today.