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What makes Kinteract top of the class?

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What makes Kinteract top of the class?

Battling burnout? Struggling with remote learning? 

Don’t worry. Kinteract is on your side. Kinteract is designed to battle these issues for you. Together, we can make teacher burnout and remote learning headaches a thing of the past.

Kinteract was designed by both teachers and scientists, and it exists to serve the educational community. We know what teachers, parents, and students need, and we provide it all.

Schools which turned to Kinteract didn’t just survive through the lockdowns of 2020 - they thrived. 

We’re not a partial solution. We don’t just plug a gap. We provide everything you need - and some things you didn’t know you needed!

Read on, to find out why schools which get Kinteract have never look back.

Kinteract enables evidenced learning

What’s ‘evidenced learning’? We’re glad you asked.

Kinteract provides personalised student portfolios for all types of learners. This allows learners and teachers to record and track progress in real-time, and on an ongoing basis.

Why is this important? Well, as any teacher knows, gathering evidence for things like report writing and performance evaluations adds masses to the admin burden. The amount of admin teachers have to do is overwhelming, so when we realised that we could easily take the strain from teachers, we jumped at the chance!

Our personalised student portfolios and progress tracking tools enable teachers to grab that all-important evidence at the click of a button. Report writing has never been so easy! 

What’s more, it’s easy to securely share portfolios and progress reports with relevant members of the education team. This makes communication about student development easier and more evidence-based than ever.

Not to mention that learners get a lot of insight into their own progress through their portfolios. Academic self-awareness is key for helping people to take control of their own learning. Kinteract’s personalised portfolios help learners to develop this skill.

Kinteract makes sure that you’re covering the whole curriculum

Sticking with the curriculum can be a headache. Every teacher wants to go off-piste every now and again. We want to share our passions and inspire our students - which sometimes means taking a diversion and heading back to the curricular highway by a scenic route.

Kinteract enables this kind of creative teaching by making it much easier to find your way back to the curriculum. Through activity and content linkage, you can make sure that your students are always progressing towards curriculum goals - even if the path you’ve taken them down isn’t exactly that laid out in curriculum guidelines!

What’s more, using curriculum-suggested hashtags helps you to align your own teaching style, methods, and insights to the curriculum milestones and goals you’re trying to achieve.

No more trying to bend your individual style to fit the curriculum! Kinteract brings the curriculum to you, helping you to stay on track without sacrificing your passion or your creativity.

Kinteract saves tons of time on assessments

We’ve spoken about how Kinteract can track and gather progress data. But this isn’t all we can do when it comes to tracking.

Our intelligent AI captures and aggregates all relevant data points relating to learner progress. As well as academic results, this can include things like interpersonal development, behavioural growth and setbacks, and much more. Everything that’s relevant for a learner’s educational journey can be captured in data and aggregated by our AI.

As well as providing incredible insights into learner progress, this makes assessments a piece of cake for teachers. Simply bring up the data, and Kinteract will give you both the evidence you need and the analysis which helps with those insights.

Kinteract keeps all stakeholders engaged

Communication can be tricky in a school setting. Getting all the right people together at the right time to discuss the right issues is nearly impossible. Timetables, work schedules, and more pressing matters all conspire to keep vital conversations from happening.

At the same time, communication is hugely important for a successful education. Learning is a team effort. It requires engagement from learners, teachers, and all other stakeholders (parents, for example), if it’s to get the very best results.

To make these conversations happen, Kinteract has robust discussion capabilities. Teachers and learners can easily share things like work, portfolios, data, and so on with other members of the community. Stakeholders can easily contact one another via the platform, and communicate in real-time or via comment streams. 

With Kinteract’s intuitive communication system, feedback comes thick and fast. Everyone can get involved, and community engagement is higher than ever.

If teachers reading this are worried about being contacted at all hours by restless parents or learners - don’t be! Our messaging system is both one and two way, so you are always in control of when, how, and with whom you’re talking.

Kinteract helps you to blend online and in-person teaching

We’re committed to helping teachers in every aspect of their jobs - not just with remote teaching!

We enable remote learning through live lessons, Zoom and Google Meet integrations, resource libraries, and much more. However, we also help schools to blend online and in-person teaching.

Perhaps (as is often the case in Lockdown) some of your class are studying from home while others are still coming into school. How can you balance classroom and online teaching to make sure that every learner is getting the teaching time they deserve?

With Kinteract, you can hold simultaneous live lessons. Remote learners can participate in classroom activities in real time.

This not only helps teachers to divide their time fairly between all learners, it also maintains a sense of class community for everyone involved. The social aspect of learning is often underestimated, but we at Kinteract know just how important it is for learners to feel connected to their peers.

Get Kinteract, and experience these benefits for yourself

This is just scratching the surface of what Kinteract can do for you. By Kinteracting your school or organisation, you will power both teaching and learning. 

Kinteract’s automated teacher workflows, content libraries, portfolios, recommending learning algorithms, real-time communication, data-driven actionable insights…(we could go on like this!) save teachers a huge amount of time. This extra time can be spent doing what teachers are really there to do - helping learners.

To learn more about what Kinteract can do for you, book a demo today.